
F. Husson website

Book Exploratory Multivariate Analysis Using R



Principal Component Analysis

Correspondence Analysis

Multiple Correspondence Analysis


Multiple Factor Analysis

To conclude


Multiple Correspondence Analysis - MCA

This week our focus is on analyzing tables of qualitative variables. These types of table are everywhere in sociology and marketing in particular, as they are typically used to summarize the results of surveys.

Note that it's possible to follow this Multiple Correspondence Analysis course even if you haven's seen the Correspondence Analysis course.

MCA is a method that allows you to explore and visualize a table of categorical variable data. Thus, this method is typically used to analyze questionnaires.

Course and software implementation

PCAFacto Quiz 1 Diaporama   Transciption audio  
PCAFacto Quiz 2
PCAFacto Quiz 3
PCAFacto Quiz 4 Données     Données     MCA Facto  
MCA Facto Transciption audio Données     Données    MCA Facto  

The exercises

exercice          exercice sur ordinateur

To go further: handling missing values
