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Book Exploratory Multivariate Analysis Using R



Principal Component Analysis

Correspondence Analysis

Multiple Correspondence Analysis


Multiple Factor Analysis

To conclude


Exercise on correspondence analysis: Employment in the UE

We are interested in the distribution of jobs by sector in European Union countries. Using the Eurostat data set, we have constructed a data table with the 29 countries of the EU as rows, and 16 job sectors as columns. A given entry in the table corresponds to the number of jobs in a given country for a given job sector. The job sectors are: Agriculture (including forestry and fishing), Industry (except construction), Construction, Commerce, Transportation, Accommodation and catering, News and communication, Finance and insurance, Real estate, Science and technology, Administrative services, Public Administration, Education, Health, Arts and entertainment, Other. The data set is available in this file.

Import the data set, then run the analyses necessary to answer the following questions.

Q1) Check the cases of questions which can be answered by doing CA on this table.
Do certain EU countries have quite different job sector distributions to the others?
Is the job sector distribution in the EU homogeneous from one country to another, compared to North America?
Do certain countries have particularly high participation (in percentage) in some job sectors?
Are certain job sectors quite specific to certain countries?

Q2) What is the value of the first eigenvalue?

Q3) The inertias obtained for the first two dimensions show (tick the true boxes)
there are very strong associations, almost exclusive even, between countries and job sectors
there are associations between countries and job sectors, but weak ones.
no job sector is unique to a certain country
there is at least one job sector unique to a certain country

Q4) Among the following countries, which has a profile close to that of the whole EU?

Q5) Among the following countries, which most contributes to construction of the 2nd axis?

Q6) Select the true statement(s):
Germany is the country with the highest number of accommodation and catering jobs
Germany is the country with the highest percentage of accommodation and catering jobs
In Romania, agriculture plays a much larger role than in other countries
In Romania, nearly all workers work in agriculture

Q7) Select the true statement(s):
The Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark) have similar job sector distributions
Health sector jobs are over-represented in the Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark)
"Other" jobs are over-represented in the Mediterranean countries of Greece, Spain, Italy and Cyprus
As Austria is positioned close to the center of gravity of the cloud, there are few jobs in Austria
Bulgaria is a country where agriculture is over-represented

Q8) You are welcome to try to analyze the data set further, and in particular, provide interpretations for the factor axes in more detail.

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